Opportunities for physical therapy jobs in the US are expected to grow at a fast pace in the coming years. Therakare, a leading Oklahoma-based recruitment company, offers a groundbreaking platform for physical therapists to explore excellent placement opportunities in healthcare facilities across the nation.
We can help you to find your way in the job market and take up a position to suit your qualifications and goals. Qualified physical therapists can benefit from our value-added services. Whether you are seeking a travel, permanent, fulltime or part-time job, TheraKare can assist you. For those passionate about travel, we provide excellent opportunities for placement in travel physical therapy jobs. We offer you the opportunity to get placed in the location and facility of your choice. As our clients include leading healthcare facilities in the US, we are well-informed about job opportunities as and when they arise. So both job seekers and employers benefit from our quality recruitment services.
Get a Rewarding Job
TheraKare offers you every opportunity to build a rewarding career as a physical therapist in the US. The jobs we offer you come with competitive salaries, tax-sheltered benefits, insurance coverage, continued education, healthcare insurance, paid housing, travel expenses and completion bonuses, professional liability insurance, group term life insurance, and orientation upon arrival in the US. TheraKare also offers assistance for immigration and visa processing.
Qualified professionals on the lookout for physical therapy jobs in the US can register with us and upload their resume at our website. For more information, call (800) 258-1036 or send an email to info@therakare.com.
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