
OPT Physical Therapist Job Openings

Find the perfect OPT Physical Therapist jobs that suit your requirements at TheraKare.

F1 students can explore exciting OPT physical therapist job openings at TheraKare – a leading healthcare staffing company in the US. Professional graduates trained in physical therapy, as well as international therapy students in the optional practical training status can find the perfect jobs suiting their requirements with expert placement assistance from TheraKare.

Optional Practical Training - The Pathway to a Successful Career

OPT (Optional Practical Training) is an employment authorization for international students in F-1 Status, permitting them to work off-campus in their field of study, with certain restrictions. Under prior rules, students in F1 status were authorized to have training for periods up to twelve months. Now the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has extended the Optional Practical Training period from 12 to 29 months.

Basic Requirements for OPT

Students can either participate during the academic semesters or after completion of the degree. When applying for OPT, there are some regulations to follow. An offer of employment is not required while applying for this training. But any employment the candidates undertake must be related to their field of study.

To be eligible for pre-completion of optional practical training,

• Candidate must have been lawfully enrolled as a full-time student for at least one full academic year
• Can work part-time while school is in session
• May work full time when school is not in session

To be eligible for post-completion optional practical training,

• Candidate can participate upon completion of studies
• Must be in the F-1 status at the time of application

Approval can take about 3 months, so it is very important to plan accordingly. Make sure to apply as early as possible. To find out more about the various OPT physical therapist job opportunities available, please log on to the website www.therakare.com.


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